Kalle Lampela (b.1973) was born, lives and works in Rovaniemi, Lapland, in Northern Finland. In 2012 he earned a D.A. (Doctor of Arts) from Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland.The doctoral dissertation addressed attitudes visual artists take toward utilizing art socially and economically, and addressed the question whether art has a socio-critical function.
Lampela has worked as a university lecturer and assistant professor in fine arts at the Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland.
Currently he is working on a three-year grant and as a university researcher (10 %) at the Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland. His research interests include cultural policy issues, such as the valuation and hierarchies of art, as well as the intersections of everyday life and art.
He is currently working on performative walking projects, drawing, creating collages and text-based works, and writing academic articles.
“Playfulness and experimental approach are key aspects in my drawing practice. Energy springs from bodily movements. The crucial aspect that interests me is combining exercise, D-I-Y-sensibility, and artistic practice.“
“More spiritually, to me artistic practice is philosophical reflection. In a deeper – metaphysical or existential – level the durational, temporal aspect is the core. It is fascinating to experience traces and elements accumulate as time passes by.“